Thanksgiving SOS Sign Up

With the holiday season in full swing all around me, now is the time that I start to think and plan ahead for all of the upcoming meals and events we will host or attend. And the one meal that looms large in my mind is of course, Thanksgiving.
For most of my life, I have been a Thanksgiving guest at someone elses' house. Generally, a parent, aunt, uncle or grandparent would be hosting and put the word out a few weeks before. The adults would plan and prepare and I would just pop in with a side dish. But a few years ago, I realized that now I was the adult and it was my time to plan and prepare a great Thanksgiving for my people. That was a big moment in my adulting and once I pulled it off I felt great! Does this sound like you? Are you preparing to host your first Thanksgiving but are stumped on how to pull it all off? Have you hosted a few times but really feel it could go better?
Well today is your lucky day because I want to share with you my 6 Steps for the First Time Thanksgiving host. And I want to share them with you for FREE!
During the three weeks before Thanksgiving (November 8-24) I will be sending an email every Tuesday and Thursday giving you one step each time to help you pull off your first hosting gig for the big food day. Will it be perfect? No, nothing is perfect but I will give you the tools you need to plan, shop, prepare and enjoy the hosting experience. Having this solid plan in place will make any unexpected surprises much more manageable since your plan will be humming along in the background and you will have time to put out any fires (hopefully no real ones) that come your way! Each email will also include a step by step guide to help you tackle each step and get you a little bit closer to your goal of a fun-filled Thanksgiving at your place.
How can you make sure you get this great guide to a calmer and happier Thanksgiving delivered right to your inbox? Just go to the link below and provide us with your email address and that’s it! Once the series begins you will start to receive your emails to jump on the road to Thanksgiving glory.
And remember, if at any time you feel like you cannot do this or you are struggling, just know that many folks before you have done it and you will make it. And if that is not motivation enough, think of the fact that you will probably be in charge of the turkey and therefore control all of the turkey leftovers!
So don’t delay, sign up today and let’s get our host on!