November Already??

How can this be? I feel like one minute it was summer and I was tending my garden and I blinked and it’s November and I’m putting my garden to bed! Does anyone else feel this way? With the holiday season in full swing, it’s now time to set our sights on all things November.
This is the time of year when the leaves have said their fond farewell, our heaters start to kick on more and more, and we watch the sun set just time for us to eat supper. For me, this is a time of year when I really dig into my home, dig into my family and do things I love while staying as warm as I can! November is the midpoint of fall, where it’s not quite time for winter to blanket us with snow, but it’s not warm enough anymore to wander out in our shorts. But most importantly, November is the time of thanksgiving, and among the many ways we give thanks for all that we have is with food!
So naturally, as a food person, I’m just a little excited by Thanksgiving and all the awesomeness it has to offer. But I know this can be an overwhelming time of year, especially if you are a host trying to wrangle people, food and place settings. So let me help you.
For the month of November, I will be sharing at Little Prairie Kitchen some of my favorite Thanksgiving sides and foods. Check them out and give them a try. Do me one big favor though. If you decide you want to make something I share for your Thanksgiving meal, go ahed and make that for a meal before Thanksgiving so you can see what needs to be done to make it and how long it takes. Trust me that is very important when trying to whip up a meal on the big day.
Next, if you are new to hosting or have hosted but feel it could be better, sign up for my 6 Steps For the First Time Thanksgiving host by going HERE. Beginning November 8 through Thanksgiving Day, I will be giving steps and tips I use to make my hosting job that much easier so I can enjoy my day and not wish all my family would poof out of my house!!
So let’s bring on November and get cooking! Happy Fall all!