My Black Friday

Happy Day after Thanksgiving all! I hope you are as stuffed and happy as I am right now and basking in that extra 8 pounds of turkey you will be eating for the next week! Today is the unofficial kickoff of the Christmas shopping season and I bet many of you are planning to hit the stores, hunting and hoping for some good deals.
Years ago, we did do the Black Friday sales but over time, we found the lines, early mornings and picked over so so merchandise was not worth it for us. For the last few years, there has been an online movement to #optoutside on Black Friday instead of shopping. We have participated in some way the last few years instead of shopping for rock bottom prices with thousands of our “closet friends”.
We have many reasons for this, with some being practical (you don’t really get the best prices today on most things and the few things you do, stores only stock one or two of so it is likely you will not get in unless you are eating turkey in a tent outside the store!) and some being personal. For me, Christmas is my ultimate family time of year, where a little snow and some twinkling lights are all the prompt I need to put down my phone and sit with my guys just a little bit. It’s also the perfect excuse to bundle up and go outside and catch snow on our tongues and feel the crisp air in our lungs. That is the holidays to me and being with my people is how I want to usher in the holiday season most of all.
So today, I will not be here. I will not be in the store. I will probably be at a tree farm, picking out the biggest, pineist, and most wonderful tree. Then, I will probably be somewhere quiet stretching my legs with the two most important people in the world to me and the best dog a person could ever be so lucky to have. I will #optoutside. And maybe I will not be outside all day but I will opt for family the whole day. I will opt for my people.
Besides, we all know now the best deals happen on Cyber Monday anyway:)
Happy beginning of the holidays to you all!